Robby O’Brien

Somatic Sand, Expressive Therapist & Process Orientated Psychology.


M. 04238334433.

A Courageous Life

How can Somatic Sand, Expressive Therapy & Process Orientated Psychology liberate you?

Our suppressed ‘Self’, Spirits, and Souls are waiting to be honored, acknowledged, realized, and healed. Through these modalities of Creative Movement, imagination, and symbolic representations we call upon our unconsciousness to reveal a new reality in our conscious state of being.

Are you feeling inner turmoil while your external world is not working for you?


Do you feel you are struggling with issues related to trauma, grief, addiction, anxiety, or major life changes?


Do you feel the inkling there is something hidden within that needs to be revealed?


Sandplay and ExpressivesTherapy is a self-directed process that allows you to evolve in a safe and protected space.

Your curious self will explore and journey into the shadow, bringing light into the unknown, and opening doors as this exploration reveals insights that will be embodied and honor your authentic Self.                                

To live a courageous life is to live in the freedom of your true self.

Touching and moving the sand validates our exsistence.
It is a fundemental form of mirroring the self and its myrid of manifestations in us
— Barbara A Turner, PH.D

What Is Sandplay Therapy?

Sandplay is a creative mode of therapy that gives expression to the non-verbalised issues hidden in our shadow selves. 

Sandplay Therapy is hands-on, expressive counseling and psychotherapy that has been in use for over 70 years background in Jungian Psychology.

This type of therapy can benefit all ages, children, adolescents, and adults.

 The Benefits and Workings of Sandplay Therapy

  • Sandplay combines sand and symbol representations of archetypes in ways that form a bridge between verbal therapy, allowing the deeper aspects of the psyche to be worked with naturally and safely.

  • Sandplay is highly effective in reducing the emotional causes behind difficult behaviors by healing deep unresolved wounds.

  • During Sandplay issues are represented symbolically to provide a new perspective and potential solutions to the problem.

  • Objects from nature, figurines, ornaments, etc. are arranged in the sand tray to communicate and process feelings, explore issues, and assist with decisions.

  • The evolving Sandplay process provides insights and information that can be used for healing.

  • The Sandplay process is a self-directed hands-on therapeutic process undertaken within a safe and protected space for adults, adolescents, and children.        


The Process

The Sandplay therapist assists in allowing the client a natural mirror which the client can use for the individuation process. 

The symbolic language opens up access to the creative unconsciousness, inner feelings, perceptions, and memories, while also bringing the client back into the outer reality to live life in a fulfilling calm sense of self.

Sandplay therapy is particularly useful for identifying and reconciling internal conflict that manifests as anxiety or depression as well as penetrating the depths of personality.

Sandplay therapy is psychotherapeutic work during which the complexities of the inner world are explored and integrated into the psyche for emotional healing.


What is Expressive Therapies

Expressive therapies include a range of experiential approaches that explore the underlying causes behind life’s challenges.

The main modalities used are Symbol work, the use of music, biogenic, emotional release process, body focus projective Technique, role play, expressive writing and art, and self-discovery worksheets. Multi-intelligences are accessed which catalyze emotional healing in the unconscious, supporting positive changes in behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, problem-solving, and relationships.

  • The experiential process provides direct access to interpersonal resources and resiliency.

  • Jung calls it individuation as the psyche cooperates with the natural movement towards healing and wholeness

  • invitational self-discovery approach, empowering the client with individual insights.

  • Client-Centered, that is the client’s inner healer decides the speed and direction of the therapeutic process.

  • These activity based modalities bring integration through a reconnection between body mind and feelings.

What is Process orientated Psychology

Process Oriented Psychology is a multicultural, multi-level, awareness practice for individuals, relationships, and organizations in all states of consciousness. Also called Process Work, it is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach supporting individuals, relationships and groups to discover themselves. 

Process oriented psychology uses awareness to track psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues. Process Work theories and methods are available for anyone to experience and can be working with the ‘Dream Body’ developed by Arny Mindell. It is orientated to finding the meaning behind physical disease. Theres is an integration spectrum of feelings, the physical body, psychology by discovering the mode or channel in which a person is moving. There is a relationship between dreams and body symptoms these symptoms are not necessarily pathological, symptoms are potentially meaningful and purposeful conditions

Mindell has discovered that body symptoms are mirrored in dreams and the reverse is also true.

The primary goal of process oriented psychology is to follow and learn from what ancient Chinese philosophers called the Tao, by following the visible and subtle signals coming from people and events. This means respecting individuals, groups, and the environment, exploring reality and also the dream and essence levels of events, which often bring surprising solutions and resolutions to even apparently intractable situations.

Who am I to be on this journey with you ?

Robby In the garden.JPG

I will sit beside you, gently guiding and being your witness as you dissolve fears and anxieties so you are able to live the courageous life you desire and deserve.

I am a highly skilled, intuitive, and compassionate certified Sandplay and Expressive Therapist. I worked as registered nurse for over 20 years and Over the last seven years I have been working in remote Indigenous communities in the Norther Territory, South Australia Queensland and the Torres Straight Islands. My life experiences have taught me that unconditional acceptance helps me to nurture and support others with deep empathy and awareness.

I began my Expressive Therapies work in 2008 holding workshops for bereaved and traumatised children. Working with Expressive and Sandplay therapies, underpinned by background knowledge of Somatic Psychotherapy processes, I have seen the benefits of this approach for both children and adults. Sandplay provides my clients with a new perspective, as well as insights into creating self-resourcefulness and resilience in their lives.

Sandplay and Expressive therapies are used to access a deeper part of the psyche in a non-intrusive way of self-discovery and expanding awareness.

I support you.


We begin by connecting and grounding in natures elements the soothing sand, and Symbols are chosen and placed in the sand tray which brings the unconsciousness to your consciousness reality allowing healing to old wounds and new insights allowing the authentic self to be revealed.

An unspoken language unfolds between the client, the therapist, and the process. There is a trust in the unknown, a commitment, and transition as you reconnect with your body, spirit, and soul on your journey to a new Courageous Life.

“Finding the courage to be free”